Implementation Details


The AutoDiff class, which is the core class for the AnnoDomini package, takes as input the value to evaluate the function at. It contains two important attributes, val and der, that respectively store the evaluated function and derivative values at each stage of evaluation.

For instance, consider the case where we want to evaluate the derivative of \(x^2+2x+1\) evaluated at \(x = 5.0\). This is achieved by first setting x = AD.AutoDiff(5.0), which automatically stores function and derivative values of \(x\) evaluated at \(x = 5.0\) (i.e. x.val = 5.0 and x.der = 1.0). When we pass the desired expression (i.e. \(x^2+2x+1\)) to Python, \(x\) is raised to the power of 2, which is carried through AutoDiff’s __pow__ method that returns a new AutoDiff object with the updated val and der values. Specifically, the new returned object in this case has val = 25.0 and der = 10.0, which are the function and derivative values of \(x^2\) evaluated at \(x = 5.0\). A similar process occurs for the other operation steps (i.e. multiplication and addition), and we eventually obtain the AutoDiff object with the desired val and der values (i.e. function and derivative values of \(x^2+2x+1\) evaluated at \(x = 5.0\)).

The AutoDiff class has its own methods that define its behavior for common elementary functions such as addition and multiplication. Specifically, the class has the following methods implemented:



Note that many methods in the AutoDiff class, such as cos and exp, utilize their counterparts in NumPy (e.g., numpy.cos and numpy.exp). Furthermore, the AutoDiff class heavily relies on NumPy arrays and their effective vectorized operations to handle cases with multiple variables and/or multiple functions. Hence, NumPy is an important external dependency that provides a core data structure for the AnnoDomini package.