How to use Anno Domini

How to Install

Internal Note: How to Publish to Pip

$ python sdist
$ twine upload dist/*

Install via Pip:

pip install AnnoDomini

Install in a Virtual Environment:

$ pip install virtualenv # If Necessary
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install AnnoDomini
$ python
>>> import AnnoDomini.AutoDiff as AD
>>> x = AD.AutoDiff(3.0)
>>> print(x)
====== Function Value(s) ======
===== Derivative Value(s) =====
>>> quit()
$ deactivate


For using additional features, SciPy and tqdm packages are also required.

Basic Demos

1. Single Variable, Single Function (\(\mathbb{R}^1 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^1\))

Suppose we want to find the derivative of \(x^2+2x+1\). We can utilize the AnnoDomini package as follows:

>>> x = AD.AutoDiff(1.5)
>>> print(x)
====== Function Value(s) ======
===== Derivative Value(s) =====
>>> f = x**2 + 2*x + 1
>>> print(f)
====== Function Value(s) ======
===== Derivative Value(s) =====

We can access only the value or derivative component as follows:

>>> print(f.val)
>>> print(f.der)

Other elementary functions can be used in the same way. For instance, we may evaluate the derivative of \(log_{2}(x)+arctan(3x+5)\) at \(x = 10.0\) as follows:

>>> x = AD.AutoDiff(10.0)
>>> f = x.log(2) + np.arctan(3 * x + 5)
>>> print(f)
====== Function Value(s) ======
===== Derivative Value(s) =====


For the single variable case, we do not need to input the scalar number in the form of a list (i.e. using brackets); the AutoDiff class is smart enough to handle the scalar form as appropriate.

2. Multiple Variables, Single Function (\(\mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^1\))

Consider the case where the user would like to input the function, \(f = xy\). Then, the derivative of this would be represented in a Jacobian matrix, \(J = [\frac{df}{dx}, \frac{df}{dy}] = [y,x]\).

>>> x = AD.AutoDiff(3., [1., 0.])
>>> y = AD.AutoDiff(2., [0., 1.])
>>> f = x*y
>>> print(f)
====== Function Value(s) ======
===== Derivative Value(s) =====
[2. 3.]

3. Single Variable, Multiple Functions (\(\mathbb{R}^1 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n\))

Consider the case where the user would like to input the two functions, \(F = [x^2, 2x]\). Then, the derivative of this would be represented in a Jacobian matrix, \(J = [\frac{df_1}{dx}, \frac{df_2}{dx}] = [2x,2]\).

>>> x = AD.AutoDiff(3., 1.)
>>> f1 = x**2
>>> f2 = 2*x
>>> print(AD.AutoDiff([f1, f2]))
====== Function Value(s) ======
[9. 6.]
===== Derivative Value(s) =====
[6. 2.]


For evaluating multiple functions, the AutoDiff class expects the functions to be input as a Python list (i.e. using brackets); other data structures (e.g., NumPy array) are not supported.

4. Multiple Variables, Multiple Functions (\(\mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n\))

Consider the case where the user would like to input the two functions, \(F = [x+y, xy]\). Then, the derivative of this would be represented in a Jacobian matrix, \(J = [[\frac{df_1}{dx}, \frac{df_1}{dy}],[\frac{df_2}{dx}, \frac{df_2}{dy}]] = [[1, 1], [y, x]]\).

>>> x = AD.AutoDiff(3., [1., 0.])
>>> y = AD.AutoDiff(2., [0., 1.])
>>> f1 = x+y
>>> f2 = x*y
>>> print(AD.AutoDiff([f1, f2]))
====== Function Value(s) ======
[5. 6.]
===== Derivative Value(s) =====
[[1. 1.]
 [2. 3.]]